Using a refreshing, interactive approach to healthy eating, Leslie inspires participants to cook and eat healthier by taking them step-by-step through the nutritional, physical and energetic benefits of healthy meals. She also offers monthly Grocery Store Tours for a well-rounded, adoptable approach to preparing meals in today’s hectic world.
Cooking Demo Samples
Five Ingredients of Less
Tired of complex recipes that take too much time to shop for and prepare? In this interactive cooking class, you’ll learn how to cook flavorful meals with minimal ingredients in minimal time. Take the guesswork out of eating and spend more time savoring the fruits of your labor!
The Food & Mood Connection
Change what you eat and you’ll change how you feel! In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn which foods zap your energy and which foods give you the energy to get through your days with ease. You’ll have the opportunity to sample some new recipes as you discover the foundations of food and mood.
Healthy Snacks on the Go
Are you rushing out of the house every day and unsure what to have as a snack? In this interactive workshop, we’ll discuss how to read food labels, make better snack choices and create easy, simple snack recipes at home. Being prepared is key to your success and that of your whole family!
Vegetarian 101
In this interactive cooking class, you’ll learn how to prepare delicious and satisfying meals without the meat. Wonder where your protein will come from? We’ll cover vegetarian sources of protein and how to build a well-rounded vegetarian meal.
Seasonal Eating & the Energetics of Food
Wondering how to soothe that sugar craving with healthy dishes that still taste great? In this interactive cooking class, you’ll discover the benefits of seasonal recipes that are bursting with flavor. We’ll also look at three basic body types, basic food cravings and deconstruct what makes up the foundation of satisfying meals.
Cleanse Cooking Class
Are you feeling sluggish, bloated and tired? In this interactive cooking class, Leslie will introduce you to simple, cleansing recipes using real foods and herbs that you’ll continue cooking with long after you’re done cleansing. Experience life the way nature intended!
Green Smoothies 101
A 5 minute snapshot of a Green Smoothie Demo is below with a YouTube Video for your enjoyment!
Healthy Breakfasts and Lunches
The goal of this workshop is to create an environment where a healthy start to your day is a breeze. When you’re focused on family or work, it’s easy to forget about your nutritional needs. Leslie will show you lunch and breakfast recipes that will give you lasting energy despite a hectic schedule.
Cooking with Leafy Greens
Curious about how to spice up your diet with more veggies? What better way than to start with leafy greens! In this interactive cooking class, Leslie will offer fun ways to flavor your greens while keeping your meal simple, healthy and satisfying.