Trifecta Wellness is a supportive environment that enables you to achieve success by using practical lifestyle methods to discover the best version of yourself. Trifecta Wellness offers stressed out adults joy, peace and sustainable energy through three invaluable lifestyle tools: Food & Health Coaching, Functional Fitness Training, and Mind Body Programs.

Most approaches to food dwell on calorie counting. Instead of creating lists of restrictions, we coach our clients to create a happy, healthy diet that is flexible, fun and free of denial or discipline. No one diet works for everyone. We will help you to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals. An 11-Day Clean Eating Program, a 28-Day Slim & Revitalize Program are available for clients are a looking for a program with a set timeframe. One-on-one grocery store tours, cooking classes & health coaching sessions are also available.

Leslie takes her background in gymnastics, exercise science, human anatomy, kinesiology and personal fitness training and blends them together create fun, functional training sessions for her clients.
Proper training techniques, breath work and body alignment are a part of every training session with Leslie. Weight training is not the only option for shaping the body for optimal performance. Leslie values the importance of functional training that uses your own body weight to strengthen, lengthen and tone all areas of the body. If boredom has you down or if you have been in a workout funk, Leslie will snap you out of it and have you feeling strong, lean and energized in no time! Contact Leslie for more information on functional fitness training sessions.

Private mind body sessions are available in your home, on your schedule. Leslie can also host a mind body session with you at a variety of local wellness studios. She also teaches yoga classes in the local community.
Leslie has a series of guided meditations available to students who work with her one-on-one or in a group setting. Please contact Leslie for more details and pricing.
Based on the seasons, Leslie coordinates group events and leads a variety of wellness & yoga retreats locally and in beautiful locations such as the US Virgin Islands. Check the website for future retreat dates.